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MetaData for Bottom and Cedar Creeks Sub-basins Spawning Surveys 2008 and 2009

Bottom and Cedar Creeks Sub-basins Spawning Surveys 2008 and 2009

Identification Information
Originator: Coos Watershed Association
Publish Date: 6/30/2014
Online Link: None
BPA Project #:
Contact Information
Agency: Watershed Councils
Name: Jon Souder
Job Position: Executive Directlr
Telephone: 541.888.5922
E-Mail Address:
Abstract: ODFW-protocol salmon spawning surveys in the Bottom and Cedar Creeks sub-basins of the S.F. Coos River watershed.

Purpose: Baseline and first year post-project effectiveness monitoring.

Time Period of Content: 2008 - 2010
Geographic Extent: Bottom Creek sub-basin: HUC 171003040103; Cedar Creek sub-basin : HUC 171003040105
Status: Final
Use Constraints:
Format: MS-Excel file

Data Quality Information
Lineage-Source: ODFW MS-Excel template.

Data Information
No data information was supplied.

Entity and Attribute Information
Attributes Description: Field attribute information is available in the database table field descriptions.

Is a physical copy maintained for reference at Headquarters? Unknown

File Name File Type Category File Uploaded File Description
Arrow Creek 22208.00 Seg 1.xls Data File 6/18/2014 2:52:24 PM
Bottom Creek 22198.00 Seg 1.xls Data File 6/18/2014 2:31:57 PM
Bottom Creek 22198.00 Seg 3.xls Data File 6/18/2014 2:33:40 PM
Bottom Creek 22198.00 Seg 7.xls Data File 6/18/2014 2:34:05 PM
Bottom Creek 22200.00 Seg 2 (Both Segments).xls Data File 6/18/2014 2:34:33 PM
Cedar Creek 22202.00 Seg 2.xls Data File 6/18/2014 2:53:00 PM
Cedar Creek 22206.00 Seg 1.xls Data File 6/18/2014 2:53:38 PM
Cedar Creek 22207.00 Seg 1.xls Data File 6/18/2014 2:54:10 PM
Cedar Creek 22207.80 Seg 1.xls Data File 6/18/2014 2:54:39 PM
NFK Bottom Creek 22199.00 Seg 1.xls Data File 6/18/2014 2:35:10 PM

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