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MetaData for Salmon, Steelhead and Bull Trout (SSBT) Pre-cursor Layer for Western Oregon

Salmon, Steelhead and Bull Trout (SSBT) Pre-cursor Layer for Western Oregon

Identification Information
Originator: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Publish Date: 6/16/2021
Online Link: None
BPA Project #:
Contact Information
Agency: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Name: Jon Bowers
Job Position: GIS Coordinator
Telephone: 503-947-6097
E-Mail Address:
Abstract: This dataset represents both a derivation and synthesis of seven Oregon Fish Habitat Distribution datasets (winter steelhead, summer steelhead, coho salmon, spring Chinook, fall Chinook, chum salmon and Bull Trout) into a single SSBT dataset to support forestry related water protection rules. Stream reaches were filtered to include only the currently accessible habitat for the aforementioned species within the four Oregon Dept. of Forestry georegions in western Oregon: Western Cascade, Interior, Coast Range and South Coast. Basis categories were generalized into the following categories: observation-based or opinion-based. Observation based records include those records with a basis of: "Documented Observation of Fish" or observations of fish made during a protocol based survey, "Undocumented Observation of Fish" or observations of fish made during a non-protocol based survey, "Documented Observation of Habitat" or observation of habitat during a protocol based survey, and "Downstream of Documented Observation of Fish". Opinion based records include only those records which have a "Concurrence of Professional Opinion" amongst multiple fisheries biologists. The Oregon Fish Habitat Distribution Data Standard includes descriptions of these basis categories as well as the rules required for implementing updates. Data were synthesized into this single GIS dataset by selecting the "highest" record basis present across all 7 datasets. If an observation based record occurred within any one of the seven datasets, it was retained. If no observation based records were present across all seven species, the record was identified as opinion based. These data include all ODF stream size classes and also all ownerships and will be processed further by the Oregon Dept. of Forestry to identify where SSBT stream reaches occur on small and medium streams and on private lands in Western Oregon. Original source data are referenced to the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD). In some rare cases, records for different species describing the same stream reach may be represented by different stream geometry due to mapping that referenced different versions of the NHD.

Purpose: The purpose of this dataset is to identify stream reaches in Western Oregon that contain current salmon, steelhead and Bull Trout (SSBT) habitat for informing where the Oregon Dept. of Forestry SSBT related water protection rules would apply. These data include all ODF stream size classes and also all ownerships and require additional processing by the Oregon Dept. of Forestry to identify where SSBT stream reaches occur on small and medium streams and on private lands in Western Oregon.

Time Period of Content: 1996 - 2021
Geographic Extent: Western Oregon (incl. Siskiyou georegion)
Status: Draft
Use Constraints: Care was taken in the creation of these themes, but they are provided "as is". The Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife cannot accept any responsibility for errors, omissions, or positional accuracy in the digital data or underlying records. There are no warranties, expressed or implied, including the warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, accompanying any of these products. However, notification of any errors would be appreciated. This dataset is intended to inform the development of an official SSBT dataset that will be stewarded by the Oregon Department of Forestry. It includes stream reaches that WILL NOT be subject to the new SSBT related water protection rules (e.g. large streams, public lands). Oregon Dept. of Forestry fish presence datasets are mapped to a stream network that differs from the current NHD stream geometry. Therefore, this pre-cursor SSBT dataset is not in alignment with the ODF fish presence datasets.
Format: ESRI File Geodatabase (version 10.6.1)

Data Quality Information
Lineage-Source: Oregon Fish Habitat Distribution (FHD) data have been in development since the mid 1990's up to the present. The spatial data represent a large compilation of fish observation and opinion-based data from dozens of biologists with ODFW, USFS, BLM, ODF, tribes and numerous other consultants, university and non-profit contributors to the database. ODFW stewards the state standard Oregon Fish Habitat Distribution Database. Data for seven FHD datasets were processed into a single SSBT layer and the "highest" basis category present within a stream reach was retained.

Data Information
No data information was supplied.

Entity and Attribute Information
Attributes Description: Field attribute information is available in the attached file(s).

Is a physical copy maintained for reference at Headquarters? Unknown

File Name File Type Category File Uploaded File Description GIS Data File 6/16/2021 10:26:09 AM Version 3 SSBT pre-cursor layer for western Oregon, including the Siskiyou georegion. Updates since August 2020 have been made.

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