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MetaData for Scappoose Bay Watershed Assessment

Scappoose Bay Watershed Assessment

Identification Information
Originator: Scappoose Bay Watershed Council and David Evans and Associates, Inc.
Publish Date: January 2000
Online Link:
BPA Project #:
Contact Information
Agency: Watershed Councils
Name: Janelle St. Pierre
Job Position: Scappoose Bay Watershed Council Coordinator
Telephone: (503) 397-7904
E-Mail Address:
Abstract: The Scappoose Bay Watershed Assessment focuses on habitat conditions for salmonids (salmon, steelhead and trout) in the watershed. The report follows the guidelines of the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Manual (WPN 1999). The Scappoose Bay Watershed Assessment presents the existing baseline information on watershed conditions (based on available reports and data) and oral history interviews. A Geographic Information System (GIS) was built to display, analyze and store much of the data. Habitat factors for the decline of salmonids are compared, and major protection and restoration opportunities are identified and prioritized. This Phase I assessment does not generally provide the detailed field reconnaissance and comprehensive field studies that are necessary for proceeding with specific protection and restoration projects. Rather, this assessment lays out the groundwork for a second phase of assessment that bridges the gap between identifying major areas for action and conducting specific projects. Topics included are preliminary analysis of existing data, GIS base map and baseline information, historical habitat conditions, channel habitat typing, fisheries resource and habitat assessment, channel modifications, sediment sources, riparian and wetland conditions, water quality, water use and hydrology, refugia, watershed condition, data gaps, significant legal and public issues, prioritized preservation and restoration, opportunities, and GIS metadata.

Purpose: The purpose of this report is to provide a broad foundation for effective restoration of native fish species and their aquatic habitat in the Scappoose Bay watershed.

Time Period of Content:
Geographic Extent: The Scappoose Bay Watershed, 85,000 acres in size
Status: Final
Use Constraints: This PDF is currently lacking the map images referred to in the document.
Format: PDF file

Data Quality Information

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Is a physical copy maintained for reference at Headquarters? Yes

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ScappooseBayAssessment.pdf Document File 3/1/2005 3:44:52 PM

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