MetaData for Clear and Foster Creek Watershed Assessment
Clear and Foster Creek Watershed Assessment
Identification Information
- Originator: Clackamas River Basin Council and Watershed Professionals Network, LLC
- Publish Date: September 2002
- Online Link:
- BPA Project #:
Contact Information
- Agency: Watershed Councils
- Name: Michael Carlson
- Job Position: Clackamas River Basin Council Coordinator
- Telephone: (503) 588-0973
- E-Mail Address:
- Abstract: A watershed assessment was completed in the Clear and Foster Creek watersheds to evaluate existing conditions and make recommendations to protect or enhance watershed natural
resources. Clear and Foster Creek are tributaries to the Clackamas River below any major dams on the system; consequently these tributaries are positioned favorably to contribute to recovery of important anadromous fish populations. Anadromous fish species in the Clackamas basin include spring and fall chinook, coho salmon, winter steelhead, summer steelhead (non-native), migratory cutthroat trout and lamprey. Clear and Foster Creeks are utilized by fall chinook, winter steelhead and coho salmon.
The assessment generally followed the framework described in the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board’s Watershed Assessment Manual (WPN, 1999). The assessment focused on the following components: Channel habitat classification and modification; hydrology and water use; riparian/wetlands; sediment sources; water quality; fisheries; and wildlife and upland vegetation. Generally the approach builds on existing information, and enhances this
information with aerial photo interpretation and limited field checking. Additional fieldwork was used to verify channel habitat types and to characterize fish habitat condition. GIS was used as a critical assessment tool and method of displaying results.
- Purpose: The Clackamas River Basin Council chose to conduct this watershed assessment for several reasons: 1) to better understand the dynamics of Clear and Foster Creeks 2) to develop partnerships with the community, 3) to be a catalyst for the enhancement and protection of fish and wildlife habitat in particular for Wild late-run Coho, Fall Chinook and Winter Steelhead 4) to identify actions to improve water quality for drinking water, recreation and fish and wildlife.
The purpose of the assessment is to characterize current and historic watershed conditions in the Clear Creek watershed and to make recommendations to protect/enhance watershed natural
resources, with particular reference to the aquatic environment. The assessment will aid the CRBC in identifying opportunities and setting priorities for watershed restoration actions.
- Time Period of Content:
- Geographic Extent: Clear and Foster Creek watersheds, encompassing 73 square miles, was divided into five sub-watersheds for this assessment – Foster Creek, Upper Clear Creek, Middle Clear Creek, Little Clear Creek, and Lower Clear Creek
- Status: Complete
- Use Constraints:
- Format: PDF file
Data Quality Information
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Data Information
- No data information was supplied.
Entity and Attribute Information
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