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MetaData for Lower Snake River Compensation Plan; Oregon Evaluation Studies - 2011 Annual Project Performance Report

Lower Snake River Compensation Plan; Oregon Evaluation Studies - 2011 Annual Project Performance Report

Identification Information
Originator: Carmichael, R. W., T. L. Hoffnagle, L. R. Clark
Publish Date: 2011
Online Link:
BPA Project #:
Contact Information
Agency: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Name: Jim Ruzycki
Job Position: NE Research Program Director
Telephone: 541-962-3731
E-Mail Address:
Abstract: We are conducting an ongoing comprehensive evaluation program for LSRCP activities in Oregon that address the following general guidelines: 1. Develop and evaluate operational procedures which will meet recovery and compensation goals as well as management objectives by priority. 2. Monitor operational practices to document hatchery production capabilities and challenges. 3. Monitor fish-rearing activities and results to document accomplishment of goals. 4. Coordinate research and management programs with hatchery capabilities. 5. Recommend hatchery production strategies that are consistent with endangered species recovery efforts. 6. Develop knowledge and information to guide recovery actions and to monitor recovery in the Grande Ronde and Imnaha river basins. A long-term evaluation and monitoring process is envisioned for the duration of operation of the hatcheries to develop and maintain fish runs that meet recovery and compensation goals at minimum costs. This document is a contract performance report for the period 1 October 2010- 30 September 2011. This is not an Annual Progress Report, rather a brief report on statement of work task specific accomplishments. Lower Snake River Compensation Plan (LSRCP) ODFW- Eastern Oregon Fish Research (EOFR)

Purpose: The goals of these studies are: 1) to evaluate the success of achieving Lower Snake River Compensation Plan objectives, 2) develop and recommend hatchery practices for LSRCP hatchery production facilities in Oregon that will meet compensation requirements and management objectives for the production of spring Chinook salmon and summer steelhead lost as a result of construction of the Lower Snake River dams, and 3) provide natural production and life history information to assist in recovery and monitoring of threatened salmonids in northeast Oregon.

Time Period of Content: 2010-2011
Geographic Extent: Grande Ronde and Imnaha River Basins
Status: Final
Use Constraints:
Format: pdf

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Is a physical copy maintained for reference at Headquarters? Unknown

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2011 Performance Report 14110BJ010.pdf Document File 2/16/2018 10:10:45 AM Lower Snake River Compensation Plan: Oregon Evaluation Studies-2011 Annual Project Performance Report

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