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MetaData for Steelhead Escapement Monitoring In the Upper Grande Ronde River - Annual Technical Report 2009

Steelhead Escapement Monitoring In the Upper Grande Ronde River - Annual Technical Report 2009

Identification Information
Originator: Ruzycki, J. R., J.W. Steele, R.W. Carmichael
Publish Date: 2010
Online Link: None
BPA Project #:
Contact Information
Agency: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Name: Chirs Horn
Job Position: Assistant Project Leader
Telephone: 541-962-3763
E-Mail Address:
Abstract: The Upper Grande Ronde River basin supports a population of summer steelhead O. mykiss that has been defined by segregating it from the other three populations inhabiting the Grande Ronde River basin based on topographic, genetic, observational, and other evidence of interactions. Historically, the Grande Ronde River was one of the more significant anadromous fish producing rivers in the Columbia River Basin. Steelhead in the Grande Ronde River basin compose part of the Snake River DPS for summer steelhead and are listed as threatened by the ESA. Despite recovery efforts, these populations remain depressed relative to historic levels. This project evaluates summer steelhead population abundance for the upper Grande Ronde River summer steelhead population by conducting surveys of redds and spawning activity. These surveys provide the data needed to estimate adult steelhead escapement, improve our understanding of habitat utilization, and contribute to productivity and survival estimates for this population. We monitored steelhead using a probabilistic sampling approach by incorporating a sample-site selection procedure similar to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) environmental monitoring and assessment program (EMAP). We used this EMAP or Generalized Random Tessellation Stratified design (GRTS) approach to select sample sites for status and trend monitoring of steelhead redds within the Upper Grande Ronde River watershed. This steelhead monitoring follows the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds Monitoring Program approach. ODFW, Eastern Oregon Fish Research (EOFR). Funded by NOAA

Purpose: 1. Estimate redd density and spawner escapement of summer steelhead for the Upper Grande Ronde River summer steelhead population. 2. Estimate freshwater productivity (smolts/redd or smolts/adult) of summer steelhead above rotary screw trap locations. 3. Estimate spawners/redd above adult weir collection points and correlate independent counts.

Time Period of Content: 2008-2009
Geographic Extent: Upper Grande Ronde River Basin
Status: Final
Use Constraints:
Format: pdf

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Is a physical copy maintained for reference at Headquarters? Unknown

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2009_Annual_EMAP_ST_Spawning_Rpt_Final.pdf Document File 2/16/2018 3:38:23 PM Steelhead Escapement Monitoring In the Upper Grande Ronde River-Annual Technical Report 2009

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