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MetaData for Salmonid Life-Cycle Monitoring in Western Oregon Streams, 2012-2014; Monitoring Report No. OPSW-ODFW-2015-2
Salmonid Life-Cycle Monitoring in Western Oregon Streams, 2012-2014; Monitoring Report No. OPSW-ODFW-2015-2
Identification Information
- Originator: Suring, Erik, Patrick Burns, Ronald J. Constable, Jr., Chris M. Lorion, and Derek J. Wiley
- Publish Date: December 2015
- Online Link:
- BPA Project #:
Contact Information
- Agency: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Name: Erik Suring
- Job Position: Salmonid Life Cycle Monitoring
- Telephone: 541-286-5328
- E-Mail Address: erik.suring@odfw.oregon.gov
- Abstract: This report summarizes data collected at eight LCM basins for adult salmonids
(1997-2013 return years) and out-migrating juveniles (1997-2014 sample years). In
addition to previously unpublished data for the 2012-2014 sample years the out-migrant
estimates have been recalculated with a new estimator (Bonner and Schwarz 2011).
The report is organized into chapters for each LCM site from north to south along the
Oregon Coast (Figure 1). LCM sites are located on North Scappoose Creek (Columbia
River), North Fork Nehalem River, East Fork Trask River (Tillamook River basin), Mill
Creek (Siletz River basin), Mill Creek (Yaquina River basin), Cascade Creek (Alsea
River basin), West Fork Smith River (Umpqua River basin) and Winchester Creek
(Coos River basin).
There are currently three additional sites monitored by the LCM project and
cooperators where only out-migrant traps are present. We collect annual juvenile outmigrant
estimates and associated data from these sites. They include the East Fork
Lobster and upper main Lobster Creeks and Tenmile Creek. Data collection began in
1982 at the Lobster Creek sites and in 1992 Tenmile Creek. Out-migrant data was also
collected at sites on the Little North Fork Wilson (1998-2013), Little South Fork Kilchis
(1998-2006), upper East Fork Trask River (2007 and 2008), and Cummins Creek (1992-
2012), but these sites are no longer in operation.
- Purpose: In 1997, as part of the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds, the Oregon
Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) began monitoring survival and migration of
salmonid fishes (Onchorhynchus spp.) in selected coastal basins. The primary
objectives of the Salmonid Life-Cycle Monitoring (LCM) Project are to estimate
abundance of adult salmonids and downstream migrating juvenile salmonids and
estimate marine and freshwater survival rates for coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch).
The LCM Project also collects data and calculates the coho salmon marine survival
prediction for fisheries management (Suring and Lewis 2013) and has evaluated the
effects of habitat modification on salmonids (Solazzi et al. 2000, Johnson et al. 2005).
- Time Period of Content: 1982-2014
- Geographic Extent: NF Scappoose Creek, NF Nehalem River, EF Trask River, Mill Creek (Siletz), Mill Creek (Yaquina), Cascade Creek (Alsea), WF Smith River (Umpqua), and Winchester Creek (Coos Bay).
- Status: Final
- Use Constraints:
- Format: PDF file
Data Quality Information
- Lineage-Source: Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds. Monitoring Report No. OPSW-ODFW-2015-2
Data Information
Alsea River Coho |
Natural origin spawner abundance; Juvenile outmigrant abundance |
None selected |
Coos River Coho |
Natural origin spawner abundance; Juvenile outmigrant abundance |
None selected |
Lower Umpqua River Coho |
Natural origin spawner abundance; Juvenile outmigrant abundance |
None selected |
Nehalem River Coho |
Natural origin spawner abundance; Juvenile outmigrant abundance |
None selected |
Scappoose Creek Coho |
Natural origin spawner abundance; Juvenile outmigrant abundance |
None selected |
Siletz River Coho |
Natural origin spawner abundance; Juvenile outmigrant abundance |
None selected |
Tillamook Bay Coho |
Natural origin spawner abundance; Juvenile outmigrant abundance |
None selected |
Yaquina River Coho |
Natural origin spawner abundance; Juvenile outmigrant abundance |
None selected |
Entity and Attribute Information
- Attributes Description: Field attribute information is available in the attached file(s).
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