MetaData for Rocky Shores Inventory and Assessment
Rocky Shores Inventory and Assessment
Identification Information
- Originator: Fox, David
- Publish Date: 1994
- Online Link:
- BPA Project #:
Contact Information
- Agency: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Name: Cedric Cooney
- Job Position: Natural Resources Data and Systems Manager
- Telephone: 503-947-6094
- E-Mail Address:
- Abstract: During 1993 and 1994, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW)
conducted a two-phase inventory of the natural resources of Oregon's rocky shores.
The inventory supports planning work of the Oregon Ocean Policy Advisory
Council (OP AC). Work conducted during 1993 (phase 1) focused on compiling
coastwide rocky shore resource information into a report entitled "Oregon Rocky
Shores Natural Resource Inventory". This report summarizes existing information
as well as the results of a qualitative examination of rocky shores sites conducted by ODFW staff in spring and summer of 1993. In addition to the report, ODFW also
conducted a low tide aerial photo survey of Oregon's rocky shores using color
infrared film. The photo survey was designed to support future, more detailed,
assessments of rocky shores. Both the report and photo survey were partially
funded using a Coastal Zone Management section 309 grant.
During 1994 (phase 2), our rocky shores study focused on broadening our
knowledge of rocky intertidal habitats and communities. This work was funded, in
part, by a Coastal Zone Management section 309 grant entitled "Sensitive Shoreline
Resources" (grant Task B, Rocky Shores Inventory and Assessment). The grant
included the following work items:
1. Conduct detailed field surveys of rocky shore sites to ground-truth (verify)
information and test interpretation techniques using the 1993 infrared aerial photos.
2. Develop horizontal controls for photos to be used for mapping, and apply stereo
modeling to photos of selected sites through contract with Oregon State University.
3. Prepare summary report of rocky shores field work.
4. Prepare digital maps of selected rocky shore sites from data obtained through
aerial photography and entered into a GIS data base.
The purpose of this report is to summarize the rocky intertidal field work and the
photo interpretation and digitizing work conducted during 1994. This report is
intended to fulfill grant work item 3, above.
- Purpose:
- Time Period of Content: 1993 and 1994
- Geographic Extent: Oregon
- Status: Final
- Use Constraints:
- Format: PDF
Data Quality Information
- Lineage-Source: Summary Report for FY93 CZMA Grant: Sensitive Shoreline Resources, Task B
Data Information
- No data information was supplied.
Entity and Attribute Information
- Attributes Description: Field attribute information is available in the attached file(s).
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