MetaData for Oregon's Sardine Fishery, 2000
Oregon's Sardine Fishery, 2000
Identification Information
- Originator: McCrae, Jean
- Publish Date: 2001
- Online Link:
- BPA Project #:
Contact Information
- Agency: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Name: Cedric Cooney
- Job Position: Natural Resources Data and Systems Manager
- Telephone: 503-947-6094
- E-Mail Address:
- Abstract: The first major landings of sardines (Sardinops sagax) into Oregon in over fifty years occurred in
1999. Three vessels made directed landings of just over 1.7 million pounds (775.7 mt). Prior to
2000, sardines were managed by the individual states. In 1999, Amendment 8 to the Pacific Fishery
Management Council's Northern Anchovy Fishery Management Plan (FMP) was approved, to take
effect in 2000. The plan is now the Coastal Pelagic Species Fishery Management Plan, and
includes sardines. Under the FMP, the biomass of sardines is estimated each year and a coast-wide
harvest guideline is established. The harvest guideline is then allocated 2/3 to the southern
California fishery and 1/3 to the northern California, Oregon, and, Washington fisheries. The
division between northern and southern areas is Point Piedreas Blancas (35°40'N). Any portion of
the harvest guideline that is unused by October is then re-allocated 50/50 between the northern and
southern areas. Except for the coast-wide harvest guideline, the fisheries off of Oregon and
Washington continue under state management.
Even though the area north of California is figured into the biomass estimate, there is little data
from this area that is used in the model. There is a need for data from outside the areas of the
traditional California fisheries to improve stock assessment since these areas are now taken into
account to calculate the biomass estimate.
There has traditionally been little by-catch in the sardine fishery because of the harvest methods
used. Most of the harvest is with seine gear and fish are pumped from the net onto the vessel
without being sorted. However, the portion of the FMP that deals with by-catch in the sardine
fishery was initially disallowed because of a lack of data. There are also concerns with by-catch of
salmon, particularly with a fishery located just off the mouth of the Columbia River.
- Purpose: The goals for this year's work was to gather information on sardines off Oregon to improve the
coast-wide stock assessment of sardines; to document the extent of by-catch; and to monitor the
size and age composition of the population.
Objectives include:
• Collect size, age, and distribution data of adult sardines off Oregon, from both the harvest
areas and outside harvest areas.
• Document bycatch, in terms of species and amount. Recommend management measures to
reduce by-catch if necessary.
• Document harvest methods, distribution of harvest, and catch per unit of effort.
- Time Period of Content:
- Geographic Extent: Oregon
- Status: Final
- Use Constraints:
- Format: PDF
Data Quality Information
- Lineage-Source:
Data Information
- No data information was supplied.
Entity and Attribute Information
- Attributes Description: Field attribute information is available in the attached file(s).
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