MetaData for Interactive Model User Guide for the Broadscale Spatial Analysis of Oregon Nearshore Fisheries, Update 2017-2019 Base Period
Interactive Model User Guide for the Broadscale Spatial Analysis of Oregon Nearshore Fisheries, Update 2017-2019 Base Period
Identification Information
- Originator: The Research Group, LLC.
- Publish Date: 2021
- Online Link:
- BPA Project #:
Contact Information
- Agency: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Name: Lindsay Aylesworth
- Job Position: Marine Reserves Program Leader
- Telephone: 541-867-4741
- E-Mail Address:
- Abstract: Spatially defined fisheries, surficial geologic habitat (SGH) data, species habitat association information, and economic models are brought together to estimate economic contributions from commercial and recreational Oregon nearshore fisheries harvest activities. An interactive model was developed whereby a user can select the nearshore area and fisheries to be analyzed. For user convenience, there are menu options for selecting certain pre-defined areas including the Oregon Territorial Sea (TS) and Oregon marine reserve system sites (MR's). The results give the maximum immediate economic risk to which ocean nearshore fisheries participants and coastal communities would be exposed if base period (annual average 2017-2019) management was closed areas and shutdown fisheries. The modeling did not have ecological or fleet behavior dynamic features. Depending on the chosen area biological production, permanent closures would undoubtedly have within/outside area fish resource changes as well as displaced fishing adaptation. Best available information was used for statistical downscaling from known harvesting information at reference area level to discrete areas. An assumption is fish resources and harvesting are a continuum within the reference area's habitat and the selected area habitat is an extension of that continuum. There is growing evidence for spatial and temporal fish species hotspots and it will be unknown whether the user selected area is congruent with the resource aggregations. The adopted target fisheries to be analyzed were chosen using three criteria: whether commercial and recreational fisheries existed in MR areas prior to establishment, preponderance of stock locations within SGH boundaries, and fishery economic importance. The economic effects measurements for assessing nearshore fisheries economic contribution are direct financial values (commercial fisheries revenue and recreational fisheries trip expenditures) and community income (includes multiplier effect). An economic effects spatial ratio estimator for fisheries was applied to the measured habitat areas within the TS and five MR's to determine the estimated economic values from changed management during the base period. The displaced harvesting from MR's fisheries management restrictions is $2.6 million annual community income, which is about 3.8 percent of community income from all fishing that takes place in the TS and about one percent of all onshore ocean commercial and recreational fishing. Most likely the actual impacts are lower as some displaced fishing effort would be switched to other local areas or substitute fisheries, albeit fishing costs may increase from increased transit distances and changed catch per effort. If recreational fishers do not fish in new areas, they may instead spend the same trip expenditures in non-fishing activities in the local economy. There may be biological spillover effects from possible changed stock abundances from permanent closures that might increase catch per effort in new fishing areas. Until more elaborate multi-fisheries and multi-fleet spatially explicit models are developed, this study can provide the coarse estimates needed to show economic tradeoffs for whatever might prompt nearshore fisheries area closures.
- Purpose:
- Time Period of Content: 2017-2019
- Geographic Extent: Oregon
- Status: Final
- Use Constraints: Prepared for Marine Reserves Program and Marine Resources Program, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Format: PDF
Data Quality Information
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Data Information
- No data information was supplied.
Entity and Attribute Information
- Attributes Description: Field attribute information is available in the attached file(s).
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