MetaData for Oregon's Market Squid Fishery: Considerations for Implementing a Limited Entry System Interim Report to the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission
Oregon's Market Squid Fishery: Considerations for Implementing a Limited Entry System Interim Report to the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission
Identification Information
- Originator: Vestfals, C., T. Buell, G. Krutzikowsky, and L. Mattes
- Publish Date: 2024
- Online Link:
- BPA Project #:
Contact Information
- Agency: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Name: Cathleen Vestfals
- Job Position: State Fishery Management Assistant Project Leader
- Telephone: 541-961-6924
- E-Mail Address:
- Abstract: The commercial market squid fishery is a relatively new opportunity in Oregon. While the increase in market squid fishing has brought economic benefits to Oregon’s coastal fishing communities, it has also created the need for additional management measures to minimize bycatch of Dungeness crab and other species, reduce interactions between squid nets and Dungeness crab pots, and ensure the squid population remains productive into the future. To promote sustainability of the resource and fishery, the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission (Commission) adopted several rules in March 2021, February 2022, and March 2023. Additionally, at its March 2023 meeting, the Commission directed Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) staff to develop a proposal for a limited-entry (LE) system for the market squid fishery or provide an interim report about the fishery and potential to implement an LE system in Oregon. After considering the recent state of the fishery, the regulations currently in place for the market squid fishery, the long and extensive process involved in developing an LE system, and the current and future resources available to undertake such an endeavor, ODFW staff chose to provide an interim report to the Commission.
- Purpose:
- Time Period of Content:
- Geographic Extent: Oregon
- Status: Final
- Use Constraints:
- Format: PDF
Data Quality Information
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Data Information
- No data information was supplied.
Entity and Attribute Information
- Attributes Description: Field attribute information is available in the attached file(s).
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