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MetaData for Oregon Fish Passage Barriers

Oregon Fish Passage Barriers

Identification Information
Originator: Bex Gottlieb
Publish Date: 9/4/2024
Online Link:
BPA Project #:
Contact Information
Agency: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Name: Bex Gottlieb
Job Position: Fish Passage Barrier GIS Analyst
Telephone: (503) 947-6000
E-Mail Address:
Abstract: This dataset is ultimately intended to support the need for an accurate, current and complete representation of the fish passage barriers affecting fish migration throughout the state of Oregon. The OFPBDS database is the most comprehensive compilation of fish passage barrier information in Oregon however, it does NOT represent a complete and current record of every fish passage barrier within the state. Efforts to address deficiencies in data currency, completeness and accuracy are ongoing. The Oregon Fish Passage Barrier Data Standard (OFPBDS) provides a consistent and maintainable structure for both producers and users of fish passage barrier data.

Purpose: The Oregon Fish Passage Barrier Data Standard (OFPBDS) dataset contains barriers to fish passage in Oregon watercourses. Barriers include the following types of natural or artificial structures: bridges, cascades, culverts, dams, debris jams, fords, natural falls, tide gates, and weirs. The OFPBDS dataset does not include structures which are not associated with in-stream features (such as dikes, levees or berms). Barriers are structures which do, or potentially may, impede fish movement and migration. Barriers can be known to cause complete or partial blockage to fish passage, or they can be completely passable, or they may have an unknown passage status. This dataset complies with version 1.1 of the OFBPDS data standard. New optional attributes have been added to describe fish passage barrier feature modifications, to describe supplementary information (via a comments field) and also to linear reference the barrier features to the National Hydrography Dataset. The OFPBDS dataset now contains over 40,000 barrier features from 19 separate sources including: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW), Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), Oregon Department of Water Resources (OWRD), Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF), Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB), Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) US Bureau of Land Management (BLM), US Forest Service, Nez Perce Tribe, Benton SWCD, Washington county, Lower Columbia River Estuary Partnership and watershed councils representing the Rogue, Umpqua, Siuslaw, Santiam, Calapooia, Clackamas and Scapoose basins. The Data Steward obtained fish passage barrier data from multiple data originators between 2008 and 2019, collaborated with them to develop inclusion / exclusion criteria and dataset specific crosswalks for converting data from its original data structure to the structure of the OFPBDS. The data were then converted into the OFPBDS format and analyzed for duplication with existing OFPBDS barrier features. Where duplicates were identified, depending upon the scenario, one feature was either chosen over the other or in some cases attributes from different sources are combined. Source information is retained for each feature. The data were then loaded into the OFPBDS database. Barrier features were linear referenced (Framework Hydro only which is outside of the standard) and the corresponding optional attribute elements were populated. The data conversion, duplication reconciliation and linear referencing protocols are documented in the Oregon Fish Passage Barrier Data Management Plan. A separate dataset containing fish passage barrier features that have been completely removed or replaced (e.g. dam removals and culvert replacements) is published simultaneously with the OFPBDS dataset. The OFPBDS database is the most comprehensive compilation of fish passage barrier information in Oregon however, it does NOT represent a complete and current record of every fish passage barrier within the state. Efforts to address deficiencies in data currency, completeness and accuracy are ongoing and are often limited by lack of sufficient resources. Attributes (including key attributes such as fish passage status) are often unknown or incomplete. Consistency in attribution also varies among data originators. Field verification of barrier features and their attributes will be an important component to making this dataset current, comprehensive and accurate. Fish passage status is a key attribute. Many barrier features have an unknown passage status. For other features, the passage status may have changed since it was originally documented. Note that this metadata file is best viewed in ArcCatalog. Documentation for the OFPBDS can be found online at

Time Period of Content: 1999-2024
Geographic Extent: Oregon
Status: Final
Use Constraints: See complete metadata for full usage caveats.
Format: Geodatabase feature class or Shapefile format

Data Quality Information
Lineage-Source: Compiled fish passage barrier data from multiple agencies, counties, watershed councils and one tribe into the Oregon Fish Passage Barrier Data Standard (OFPBDS) geodatabase. In compiling fish passage barrier from the different data originators into the OFPBDS database, the Data Steward followed some general guidelines: 1. Identify and acquire data and metadata. 2. Data Discovery. Review metadata to ensure an understanding of the data; its primary content, characteristics, capabilities and limitations. Develop key questions of usability for purposes of meeting the requirements of the standard, especially related to unique IDs, location, barrier type and passage status. 3. Consult with originator to answer questions and resolve outstanding issues (e.g. persistent unique IDs) for meeting the requirements of the standard. 4. Determine appropriate subset to incorporate, if any, based on presence of location data, unique IDs, specific attribution (e.g., exclude cross drain culverts - culverts not on stream crossings). 5. Develop a proposed methodology for converting the data into the OFPBDS format. Seek input and approval from the data originator for the data conversion methodology. Address issues as necessary so there is agreement on the methodology. 6. Process the data into the standard format. 7. Perform quality assurance routines to ensure that the data have been converted to the standardized format according to plan. 8. Analyze the data to determine whether there are duplicate barrier records coming from multiple sources. Address duplicate records according to established protocols that are found in the Barrier Data Management Plan. 9. Linear reference barrier features. 10. Reconcile barrier data with the Oregon Watershed Restoration Inventory. 11. Document data processing steps. 12. Load the data into the OFPBDS geodatabase. The steps outllined above were used by the Data Steward to standardize barrier data from the multiple sources that were compiled and integrated. The process by which data were converted into the OFPBDS format and loaded into the OFPBDS database required collaboration with the data originators and the development of numerous record selection methodologies, attribute crosswalks, decision trees, issue resolutions, and data management protocols. Common difficulties included ensuring that all records from a given originator had a unique originator feature identifier (fpbOFtrID) and determining how to crosswalk various criteria used for assessing fish passage status. If requested, more detailed metadata on the standardization of barrier data can be provided.

Data Information
No data information was supplied.

Entity and Attribute Information
Attributes Description: Field attribute information is available in the attached file(s).

Is a physical copy maintained for reference at Headquarters? Unknown

File Name File Type Category File Uploaded File Description
OFPBDS_20240826.pdf Graphics File 9/4/2024 12:20:22 PM Image of current and removed / replaced barriers (2024) GIS Data File 9/4/2024 12:22:28 PM ArcGIS file geodatabase GIS Data File 9/4/2024 12:21:54 PM Esri shapefile format

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