MetaData for End Creek - Rice Fish Habitat and Wetland Restoration Project, OWEB #204-434
End Creek - Rice Fish Habitat and Wetland Restoration Project, OWEB #204-434
Identification Information
- Originator: Grande Ronde Model Watershed; CTUIR; ODFW; NRCS
- Publish Date: January 2007
- Online Link:
- BPA Project #:
Contact Information
- Agency: Confederated Tribes of Umatilla Indian Reservation
- Name: Jeff Oveson
- Job Position: Coordinator
- Telephone: 541-663-0570
- E-Mail Address:
- Abstract: The summer of 2006 culminated in the successful implementation of three consecutive phases of the End Creek Restoration Project located in the northwest Grande Ronde Valley within the Grande Ronde Subbasin of eastern Oregon. The End Creek Project complex encompasses approximately 776 acres within three contiguous private land parcels, 1.13 miles of End Creek, 1.06 miles of the South Fork Willow Creek, 0.65 miles of McDonald Creek, and several spring-fed tributaries in the Willow Creek Watershed. This 39 page report details the many aspects of this project and includes photos, figures, and references.
- Purpose:
- Time Period of Content: 2006-2007
- Geographic Extent: Grande Ronde basin, End Creek, SF Willow Creek, McDonald Creek.
- Status: Final
- Use Constraints:
- Format: PDF file
Data Quality Information
- Lineage-Source:
Data Information
- No data information was supplied.
Entity and Attribute Information
- Attributes Description: No data.
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