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MetaData for ODFW Wildlife Management Units

ODFW Wildlife Management Units

Identification Information
Originator: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Publish Date: 07/2016
Online Link: None
BPA Project #:
Contact Information
Agency: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Name: Chris Cowin
Job Position: Wildlife GIS Analyst
Telephone: 503-947-6098
E-Mail Address:
Abstract: For the purpose of managing Oregon's wildlife, the State has been divided into separate described areas called wildlife units or wildlife management units (WMUs). The digital version of the WMUs was published in 2010 and revised in 2016. The 2016 version extended the northern boundary of several units along the lower Columbia River north to the state boundary rather than the southern shoreline of the Columbia River.

Purpose: For the purpose of wildlife management. These areas are called wildlife units. Whenever reference is made to a wildlife unit by name or designated number in any rule of the department, the area description provided in Division 080 shall apply, unless otherwise specified by the given rule. Areas described within a Wildlife Unit as a subunit are also described by a number which includes the Wildlife Unit number as its last two digits. Stat. Auth.: ORS 496.012, ORS 496.138, ORS 496.146 & ORS 496.162 Stats. Implemented: ORS 496.012, ORS 496.138, ORS 496.146 & ORS 496.162 Hist.: DFW 47-1999, f. & cert. ef. 6-16-99

Time Period of Content: Present
Geographic Extent: Statewide
Status: Final
Use Constraints:
Format: GIS shapefile and KML

Data Quality Information
Lineage-Source: Lines digitized per the legal descriptions in the Oregon Big Game Handbook; data scale is approximately 1:24000. Refinements were made in 2016.

Data Information
No data information was supplied.

Entity and Attribute Information
Attributes Description: Field attribute information is available in the database table field descriptions.

Is a physical copy maintained for reference at Headquarters? Unknown

File Name File Type Category File Uploaded File Description
metadata_ODFW_wildlife_mgmt_units2016.xml Supplemental Metadata File 4/10/2019 7:40:49 AM Metadata for Wildlife Management Units, XML
ODFW_wildlife_management_units.pdf Graphics File 4/10/2019 10:48:36 AM General Map of Oregon Wildlife Management Units
ODFW_Wildlife_Management_Units_OARS_80.pdf Supplemental Metadata File 4/10/2019 8:58:17 AM Oregon Administrative Rules Descriptions of Wildlife Management Units
ODFW_wildlife_mgmt_units.kmz GIS Data File 4/10/2019 8:03:28 AM KMZ file of ODFW Wildlife Management Units GIS Data File 4/10/2019 8:49:54 AM Shapefile of Oregon Wildlife Management Units

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