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MetaData for Mahogany Creek Culvert Replacement Project Annual Monitoring Report

Mahogany Creek Culvert Replacement Project Annual Monitoring Report

Identification Information
Originator: Nez-Perce Tribe
Publish Date: June 9, 2008
Online Link: None
BPA Project #:
Contact Information
Agency: Nez Perce Tribe
Name: Richard Christian
Job Position: Project Area Manager
Telephone: (541) 426-3198 ext 3
E-Mail Address:
Abstract: This annual monitoring report covers activities under the Grande Ronde Model Watershed/Bonneville Power Administration contract No. 27255, entitled Mahogany Creek Culvert Replacement Project. Prior to the completion of this project, the Mahogany culvert was undersized, had an outlet drop of two feet and was considered a barrier to all life history stages of all aquatic species. The primary project objective was to replace the culvert with a 15 feet wide open-bottom arch that allows passage of all life stages of all aquatic species. The stream channel was reconstructed through the newly installed culvert utilizing stream simulation techniques. This project re-opened 3.5 miles of spawning and rearing habitat for Snake River steelhead, and rearing habitat for Chinook and bull trout, upstream of the structure. This project continues to meet project objectives one year post-implementation.


Time Period of Content:
Geographic Extent: Mahogany Creek, Imnaha Subbasin
Status: Final
Use Constraints: Send a note to addressed for richardc
Format: Word Document

Data Quality Information

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Is a physical copy maintained for reference at Headquarters? Unknown

File Name File Type Category File Uploaded File Description
206-348 - Mahogany Culvert Replacement - 2007 Annual Mon Rep.doc Document File 6/10/2008 9:49:01 AM

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