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MetaData for Mosby Creek Limiting Factors Analysis and Restoration Plan

Mosby Creek Limiting Factors Analysis and Restoration Plan

Identification Information
Originator: Bio-Surveys, LLC
Publish Date: May 2014
Online Link:
BPA Project #:
Contact Information
Agency: Watershed Councils
Name: Pamela Reber
Job Position: Coordinator, Coast Fork Willamette Watershed Council
Telephone: (541)767-9717
E-Mail Address:
Abstract: The Mosby Creek Limiting Factors Analysis (Rapid Bio-Assessment) assessed stream conditions for native salmonids and prioritized projects of benefit to spring Chinook, cutthroat trout, rainbow trout, and Pacific lamprey in this high-priority, free-flowing stream in the Coast Fork Willamette Watershed. To gain access to private properties adjacent to the 75 miles of surveyed streams, the applicant conducted landowner outreach and coordinated two years of continuous temperature data collection by volunteers. The contractor conducted a modified limiting factors analysis and a snorkel survey in the Mosby Creek main stem and tributaries up to 6 percent gradient. The resulting study results include a prioritized restoration plan that has been shared with local landowners and restoration partners and used for restoration planning.

Purpose: This document identifies the dominant processes and habitat characteristics that currently limit the survival and productivity of salmonids in Mosby Creek, a tributary to the Row River, in the Coast Fork Willamette River subbasin. In addition, the document intends to develop a prioritized list of restoration actions designed to directly address the identified limitation(s). The Limiting Factors Analysis (LFA) identifies habitat conditions that restrict the success of one or more salmonid life history stages. The plan proposes and prioritizes restoration actions to address these limitations based on the following guiding principles: • Protect the remnant (core) salmonid populations from extinction. • Protect the refuge areas that support the core populations. • Protect life history and genetic diversity. • Emphasize protection of intact habitats over restoration of degraded habitats. • Emphasize restoration of ecosystem function over site-specific habitat enhancement. • Ensure that the habitat needs of all life history phases are supported. • Ensure connectivity (accessibility) among the habitats needed for all life history stages. • Ensure that habitat enhancement actions support the natural recovery of the system. The scale of effort is focused primarily on steelhead / rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarki) within a restricted geographic zone, in this case three contiguous 6th field HUCs. The primary attributes evaluated are fish distribution, the abundance and distribution of aquatic habitats, spatial differences in thermal water quality, and historical upslope management activities. The assessment process relies on responses to a structured set of questions that progressively reveal the status and needs of stream channels in relation to salmonid habitat use. The end product of the analysis is a list of specific needs and actions (prescriptions) prioritized according to their effectiveness at addressing the identified seasonal limitation, urgency, cost, and practicality. The prescriptions include a mix of strategies involving the recovery or diversification of riparian canopy, passage barrier removal, instream structure placement, supporting beaver dam building activity, sediment reduction, improvements to water quality and protection and conservation strategies.

Time Period of Content: 2012-2013
Geographic Extent: Mosby Creek Mainstem RM 0-22, 28.2 miles in 30 tributaries.
Status: Final
Use Constraints:
Format: pdf

Data Quality Information

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Entity and Attribute Information
Attributes Description: Report text in pdf format: The Mosby Creek Limiting Factors Analysis (Rapid Bio-Assessment) assessed stream conditions for native salmonids and prioritized projects of benefit to spring Chinook, cutthroat trout, rainbow trout, and Pacific lamprey in this high-priority, free-flowing stream in the Coast Fork Willamette Watershed. The contractor conducted a modified limiting factors analysis and a snorkel survey in the Mosby Creek main stem and tributaries up to 6 percent gradient.

Is a physical copy maintained for reference at Headquarters? Unknown

File Name File Type Category File Uploaded File Description
GPSMosbyLFASurveyWaypoints.kmz Supplemental Metadata File 2/8/2015 4:28:00 PM
Methodology_Trask 2003.pdf Supplemental Metadata File 2/8/2015 4:28:53 PM
Mosby 2013 RBA WorkbooK v1.xls Data File 2/8/2015 4:21:43 PM
MOSBY LFA REPORT with Appendix.pdf Document File 2/8/2015 4:19:21 PM
Mosby MultiSite Temp Data 7DAYMAX 2012.xls Data File 2/8/2015 4:23:13 PM
MosbyGISDataForCFWWC.mdb Data File 2/8/2015 4:26:56 PM

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