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MetaData for Morton Creek AIP Report-2008 & 2012

Morton Creek AIP Report-2008 & 2012

Identification Information
Originator: Curry Soil & Water Conservation District
Publish Date: 2/29/2016
Online Link: None
BPA Project #:
Contact Information
Agency: Soil and Water Conservation District
Name: Matt Swanson
Job Position: Project Effectiveness Monitoring Coordinator
Telephone: 541-247-2755 2#
E-Mail Address:
Abstract: In 2009 the Curry Soil and Water Conservation District (District), the South Coast Watershed Council (Council), and their partners, undertook a channel relocation project on lower Morton Creek that replaced 0.5 miles of ditched stream channel with 0.6 miles of newly constructed, designed stream channel. To evaluate the effectiveness of the project the District and Council conducted pre and post stream habitat surveys using the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s (ODFW) Aquatic Inventory Project (AIP) protocol. This report is a comparison of the results of those surveys.

Purpose: To evaluate the effectiveness of a channel relocation project.

Time Period of Content: 2008, 2012
Geographic Extent: Morton Creek, New River watershed, Curry County
Status: Final
Use Constraints: Please contact the Councils' Effectiveness Monitoring Coordinator regarding the use of these data and reports.
Format: Excel spreadsheets and Access database from AIP protocol and pdf report

Data Quality Information
Lineage-Source: Data was collected by Curry SWCD staff using ODFW's AIP protocol. Data was entered and analyzed using the AIP access and excel templates. Report was prepared by Curry SWCD using outputs of templates.

Data Information
No data information was supplied.

Entity and Attribute Information
Attributes Description:
Field Names Descriptions
Access Database-Reach
BASIN Basin of stream surveyed
STREAM Name of stream surveyed
QUAD USGS 7.5' quadrangle map name at beginning of survey
CREW Names of survey crew members
DATE Date of survey
REACH Reach number
UNIT Unit number
CHANNEL FORM 2 letter code of stream channel form
VALLEY FORM 2 letter code of valley form
VWI Valley width index number
VEG CLASS DOM 2 letter code for dominant riparian zone vegetation
VEG CLASS SUB 2 letter code for sub-dominant riparian zone vegetation
LAND USE DOM 2 letter code for dominant land use type
LAND USE SUB 2 letter code for sub-dominant land use type
TEMP Water temperature, degrees centigrade
FLOW 2 letter code for stream flow
LOCATION Township-Range-Section-Quarter Section
PHOTO_TIME Photo number and time photo is taken
NOTE Additional information
UTM_ZONE Universal Transverse Mercator (location) zone number
UTMST_E Universal Transverse Mercator easting number at start of survey
UTMST_N Universal Transverse Mercator northing number at start of survey
UTMEND_E Universal Transverse Mercator easting number at end of survey
UTMEND_N Universal Transverse Mercator northing number at end of survey
Access-Unit 1
BASIN Basin of stream surveyed
STREAM Name of stream surveyed
QUAD USGS 7.5' quadrangle map name at beginning of survey
ESTIMATOR Name of surveyor focusing on ID of channel unit character
NUMERATOR Name of surveyor focusing on counts, distribution of unit attributes, verifying subsets of estimates
DATE Date of survey
REACH Reach number
UNIT_NUMB Unit number
UNIT_TYPE 2 letter code for unit type
CHANL_TYPE 2 digit number code for stream channel type
PER_FLOW Visual estimate of relative flow in the channel
UNIT_LENGT Unit length in meters
UNIT_WIDTH Unit width in meters
SLOPE Percent change in elevation across length of unit
SHADE_LEFT Degrees above horizontal to top of vegetation or landform on left side of stream
SHADE_RT Degrees above horizontal to top of vegetation or landform on right side of stream
AC_HEIGHT Active channel height in meters
AC_WIDTH Active channel width in meters
FP_HEIGHT Flood prone height in meters
FP_WIDTH Flood prone width in meters
VWI Valley width index
NOTE 1 Additional information
Access-Unit 2
BASIN Basin of stream surveyed
STREAM Name of stream surveyed
QUAD USGS 7.5' quadrangle map name at beginning of survey
NUMERATOR Name of surveyor focusing on counts, distribution of unit attributes, verifying subsets of estimates
DATE Date of survey
UNIT_NUMB Unit number
UNIT_TYPE 2 letter code for unit type
DEPTH Maximum or typical water depth in meters
DEPTH_PTC Maximum depth at pool tail crest in meters
VER_LENGTH Actual length of every 10th unit measured, in meters
VER_WIDTH Actual width of every 10th unit measured, in meters
ORGANIC Percent of silt/organic material in substrate
SAND Percent of unit substrate between .062 and 2 mm
GRAVEL Percent of unit substrate composed of artices between 2 and 64 mm
COBBLE Percent of unit substrate composed of particles from 64 - 256 mm
BOULDER Percent of substrate composed of particles over 256 mm
BEDROCK Percent of unit substrate composed of igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic rock
BLDR_COUNT Count of boulders 0.5+ meters in avg diameter protruding from water surface and those at the margin of the wetted channel
AC_EROSION An estimate of the percent of the lineal distance of both sides of the habitat unit that is actively eroding at the active channel height.
UNDERCUT An estimate of the percent of the undercut of the bank.
COMM_CODE Comment code
NOTE 2 Additional information
BASIN Basin of stream surveyed
STREAM Name of stream surveyed
QUAD USGS 7.5' quadrangle map name at beginning of survey
UNIT_NUMB Unit number
UNIT_TYPE 2 letter code for unit type
DEBRIS_CONFIG Configuration or amount of debris
DEBRIS_TYPE Type of woody debris
DEBRIS_LOC Location of debris relative to stream
DIAM Diameter of stems in debris, in meters
RW3 Root wad less than 3m in length
L_3 Debris between 3 and 6m in length
L_6 Debris between 6 and 9m in length
L_9 Debris between 9 and 12m in length
L-12 Debris between 12 and 15m in length
L_15 Debris between 15 and 18m in length
L_18 Debris between 18 and 21m in length
L_21 Debris between 21 and 24m in length
L_24 Debris between 24 and 28m in length
L_28 Debris between 28 and 32m in length
L_32 Debris between 32 and 36m in length
L_36+ Debris 36m and longer
Wood Note Additional information

Is a physical copy maintained for reference at Headquarters? Unknown

File Name File Type Category File Uploaded File Description
Morton Creek AIP Report_2008 & 2012.pdf Document File 3/22/2016 3:00:32 PM
New River 2008.mdb Data File 3/22/2016 3:05:24 PM
New River 2012.mdb Data File 3/22/2016 3:05:55 PM

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