MetaData for Oregon Ocean Salmon Effort and Harvest Statistics, 1979-1996
Oregon Ocean Salmon Effort and Harvest Statistics, 1979-1996
Identification Information
- Originator: Vargas, Mark A.
- Publish Date: 1997
- Online Link:
- BPA Project #:
Contact Information
- Agency: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Name: Cedric Cooney
- Job Position: Natural Resources Data and Systems Manager
- Telephone: 503-947-6094
- E-Mail Address:
- Abstract: The information summarized in this report was collected by the Oregon Department of Fish and
Wildlife, Ocean Salmon Management Program. Data for the commercial troll and recreational salmon
fisheries were reported by statistical week (Monday through Sunday). The weekly data were
aggregated to the monthly stratum based on a best fit calendar month within which the majority of the
statistical week occurred. Oregon data since 1979 are reported by eight major geographical catch areas.
Recreational fishery effort and landings are sampled only in the following major ports:
Astoria, Garibaldi, Pacific City (since 1981), Depoe Bay, Newport, Florence (since 1981), Winchester
Bay, Coos Bay, Gold Beach (until 1988), and Brookings. Non-surveyed ports and time periods are not
represented in this data set. It is estimated by Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife these these non-surveyed time and areas usually represent less than one percent of the harvest.
Pink salmon landings are only presented in this report from the commercial troll fishery during odd
numbered years, pink salmon landings from the commercial troll salmon fishery during even numbered
years are negligible and are not listed in this report. Pink salmon landings in the Oregon recreational
fishery are negligible and are not presented in this report. Occasional harvest of chum salmon, sockeye
salmon, and steelhead occur off Oregon in both the commercial and recreational salmon fisheries, but
are considered very negligible and are not presented in this report.
- Purpose:
- Time Period of Content: 1979-1996
- Geographic Extent: Oregon
- Status: Final
- Use Constraints:
- Format: PDF
Data Quality Information
- Lineage-Source:
Data Information
- No data information was supplied.
Entity and Attribute Information
- Attributes Description: Field attribute information is available in the attached file(s).
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