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24K Project Workshop, 2001

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On May 8th 2001, the Oregon Plan Monitoring Team and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife held an informational workshop on the upcoming effort to develop fish distribution information at the 1:24,000 scale.  The primary focus of this workshop was to provide general information about the project, and to rectify issues that have been identified so far.

There was a handout provided to the workshop attendees that was used primarily to describe and discuss the data format and collection protocols for the 24K Project.  Minor editorial modifications have been made to this document since the workshop, but the content remains largely unchanged.  This document should be viewed as the beginning template for the 24K Project - it may not reflect the final format and/or protocols used during the project.

View the Workshop handout (PDF)

View the Issues handout (PDF)

To view or print PDF (Portable Document Format) items, you will need Adobe® Acrobat® Reader™.  This software is available FREE from Adobe.

Agenda & Format of the Information Workshop on May 8, 2001:

9:00 am - Welcome, introductions, and agenda review.

9:20 am - Project overview.

9:40 am - Summarize progress to date & general timelines for future activities.

10:00 am - Review compilation protocols for each data type and the issues/potential solutions for each:
    100K Distribution
    24k Distribution
    Barriers to Adult Migration
    Life-stage Timing
    Genetic & Production Origin

Noon - Discussion/Resolution of issues & questions in breakout groups.

2:00 pm - Groups report their decisions/findings.

3:30 pm - Next steps - where do we go from here...?

4:00 pm - Adjourn.

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Page last updated on 10/28/03

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