The 24K Fish Distribution Data Development Project Proposal is
available in the following formats:
The goal of this project is to develop consistent and comprehensive statewide
fish distribution data for all salmonid species at a scale of 1:24,000. This
distribution data will represent the known or probable presence of all salmonid
species throughout the state of Oregon. Known distribution supported by recorded
observation data will be distinguished from information that has no supportive
observation data (referred to as probable presence information). Probable
presence information will be categorized according to the level of confidence of
the biologist providing the information. Where available, and as time permits,
information will be captured to describe the level of confidence that a
particular species does not occur in a given area. However, no attempt will be
made to verify species absence.
For anadromous salmonids, distribution will be identified by habitat use-type
(spawning and rearing, rearing and migration, or migration only). Resident
salmonids will be noted as present - no attempt will be made to distinguish the
use of the habitat involved, unless migration corridors are a critical feature
of the species’ life history.
Fish distribution occurring on streams contained within the 1:100,000 routed
stream layer will be displayed as continuous lines on the stream line-work by
habitat use-type or presence category. Distribution occurring on 1:24,000 scale
streams will be displayed as points on the stream and will represent use-type
transition points along a stream, with the furthest upstream point also
representing the upper extent of fish distribution. These data points can be
used to create continuous lines when a 1:24,000 routed stream layer becomes
The results of this project will be fully compatible with current efforts to
develop 1:24,000 stream coverages. It is anticipated that once the 1:24,000
stream coverages are available for entire 4th field HUCs, information
resulting from this proposal will be incorporated onto the new 1:24,000 map
layers as lines rather than points. Until that time, information from both
scales will be combined and overlaid onto digital topographic map images called
digital raster graphics (DRGs). Upon completion of the project, ODFW will
conduct a one-day workshop for all potential end users (e.g., ODEQ, ODF, ODFW,
Watershed Councils) to describe the data and demonstrate appropriate uses, along
with training on how to access the database.
The source for determining the distribution for all streams indicated to have
species presence will also be recorded. ODFW District staff, along with
biological staff from other cooperating agencies will be asked to assist with
identifying physical observation data as their schedules permit and this
information will be recorded as it is made available. Either physical
observations or the professional judgment of staff biologists will be considered
viable documentation and distribution will be recorded based on either source.
In some instances, professional judgment of assisting biologists from differing
agencies will not match. Project staff will arbitrate these cases according to
established guidelines until a final decision is reached.
Observation data will be categorized based on the specificity of the location
information provided (i.e. stream name, stream length along a stream, exact pool
location, etc.). Observation data that cannot be linked to a single stream will
not be utilized (i.e. a juvenile trap at the mouth of a subbasin). Observation
data used to verify fish distribution will be obtained and forwarded to the
StreamNet Library in Portland where it can be made available if direct access to
the source data is needed.
Ancillary attribute information
Ancillary attribute information will also be captured which will enhance the
utility of the fish distribution information. This will include information on
the existence of barriers to upstream migration of adult fish. Migration
barriers will be categorized according to their influence on the fish (total or
partial barrier), by species. Also, information on timing of occurrence by
life-stage (spawning, rearing, migration) and genetic and production origin
(wild, hatchery - how did the species come to be there originally, and how is it
being sustained presently) will be compiled at the 4th,
5th, or 6th field hydrologic unit (HUC) scale depending on
the precision of available information.
Long-term maintenance
During the scope of this project, all attributes will be maintained and
updated as new information become available. However, once established,
distribution information will not be changed or modified without credible proof
that a change is necessary. This will prevent the need to re-visit with every
area biologist each time a modification is proposed.
Present Condition
At present, most information related to fish distribution is located at
individual ODFW field offices as well as several other natural resource agency
offices, making it difficult to determine where the various species and their
habitat occur within watersheds. This effort will bring together information
from various sources into a single database. Existing information will be used
as the starting point for making updates. This will ensure that past efforts are
not wasted or duplicated. This effort will also ensure that new information is
compatible with existing ODFW fish distribution data layers by using established
criteria and definitions.
Once available in digital form, this information will represent a permanent,
yet easily adaptable information source that will also allow access and use by a
variety of resource management agencies involved in all aspects of threatened
species protection and recovery. The results of this project will allow all
salmonid species to be considered when attempting to prioritize and target areas
where standard watershed evaluation, monitoring and assessment activities might
take place (e.g. watershed assessments, habitat restoration/improvement,
blockage removal, fish abundance surveys, habitat evaluation surveys, fish
presence/absence surveys, ESA related activities, etc.) This common source of
information should facilitate better coordination of resource management
decisions in the future.