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Please note the following:

  • All data supplied in the table below conforms to the Oregon State standard map projection.  Projection parameters and other info are available here.
  • All data available on this site is provided 'as is' with no implied warranty.
  • You can go directly to the ODFW GIS ftp site by clicking here.
Description Metadata Coverage Shapefile Tables Date
Oregon Dams

This dataset contains locations of dams. Dams that are both passable and impassable to salmonid migration are included. This dataset includes dams throughout the state of Oregon. (Barriers other than dams are found in a separate dataset, available on the Barrier GIS Data page.)

metadata coverage shapefile   02/20/04
Fish Barrier Records Related to Dams

Information on the impassable or partially passable dams.

see dam metadata     DBF file 02/20/04

Reference Information

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Copyright © 2000-2004 Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Page last updated on 08/25/03

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