If you are a new user, please download and complete the R&E New User Registration form. Please return the completed form to the R&E Coordinator at the email address listed in the form. If you are an existing user, log in and click the 'My Applications' tab to get started. NOTE: If you are having trouble logging in, please check the format of your username. For most users, your User Name will be in the following format: FIRSTNAME(DOT)LASTNAME Example: John.Doe
- Applicants complete an electronic R&E application form (located
at https://nrimp.dfw.state.or.us/RE)
This becomes the “Project Proposal”. Applicants will need to provide a
description of the proposed project, the work to be undertaken, the benefits
provided to recreational and/or commercial fisheries, a detailed budget, and any
other pertinent information.
- It is important that your proposal be written so that it can stand alone on
its own merit during the review process. The Project Proposal Information Packet is provided to assist in
preparing a complete and sufficient application.
- An ODFW fish biologist in the project area is generally included as a staff
reviewer for a given proposal. It is therefore important for applicants to
consult local ODFW staff when developing a proposal in order to work out any
problems at this level before submission (although this does not guarantee
funding). Click here to find contact information for your local ODFW
District Biologist.
- While not required, in many cases it is advisable to contact the
R&E Board member closest to you to discuss the proposal. This is
especially helpful for complex projects, projects that are difficult to describe
the connection to the intent of RE or angler benefit, or any project that may be
- Applicants submit the project proposal. The electronic
application and all supporting materials must be submitted (mail, fax, or hand
delivery) to the R&E Program Coordinator, 4034 Fairview Industrial Dr. SE,
Salem, Oregon 97302 by 5:00 PM on the day of the application deadline in order
to be included in a given review cycle. Electronic submission of proposals is
preferred; however in certain cases a paper application may be requested.
- Application processing (approximately 6 months). The
timeframe between the R&E application deadline and the availability of funds
for approved projects is approximately 6 months. This review timeframe must be
allowed for in the project’s proposed starting application deadline. The process
is composed of various review steps outlined below. The current deadlines for
these steps is available at http://www.dfw.state.or.us/fish/RE/board.asp
- Completeness Review. Within a week after the deadline
applications will be reviewed by R&E staff for completeness. The applicant
will be notified if additional information is needed. The applicant will be
given five working days to provide this information or the application will be
deemed incomplete and removed from consideration for that cycle.
- Internal Review. Complete proposals are reviewed
approximately 30-45 days after the deadline by an ODFW review team. Proposals
are reviewed to ensure they are consistent with the intent of the Act, use of
appropriate methods, are biologically sound, are consistent with local land use
plans, consistent with Department policies or management plans, and contain
sufficient information for adequate review.
- Typically, applicants will be notified by e-mail within a week of the
results of the internal review.
- Projects that do not meet the above criteria will be removed from further
consideration for that cycle.
- The applicant will receive a sheet that contains:
- Project scores based on 3 criteria; Overall score, application/project
sufficiency, and relevance to R&E mission. Please note these scores are
developed independently and are not a project ranking.
- Summarized and specific comments from the review team.
- Applicants will have approximately two weeks to respond in writing to the
review team comments. These review team comments and applicant responses will be
added to the application and sent to the R&E Board.
- Depending on the results of the internal review applicants can choose to
withdraw the proposal from the current cycle in order to address the comments
before the proposal is reviewed by the R&E Board.
- R&E Board Review. R&E Board members are sent
proposals and ODFW rankings and comments 2-3 weeks prior to R&E Board
meetings, which are open to applicants and the public. At the meetings, Board
members discuss projects and decide which projects (or parts of projects), and
with what conditions (if any), to recommend to the Oregon Fish and Wildlife
Commission for approval. The Board reviews projects for consistency with fish
management program objectives and for their contribution to recreational and/or
commercial fisheries. Applicants or other members of the public may make brief
statements regarding any project. Applicant presentations typically outline the
project, its value, and responses to any known concerns. Although not required,
applicants are encouraged to attend the Board meetings to answer any questions
the Board might have. If unable to attend the meetings, it is a good idea for
applicants to be available by phone in case the Board has any questions. Within
about 2 weeks following the meeting applicants will be notified of the outcome
of the R&E Board review. The outcome includes:
- Recommend - Proposals recommended by the R&E Board will be brought
before the Commission final approval. Proposals may be recommended for partial
funding or with conditions.
- Deny (not recommend) - Projects not recommended by the R&E Board will be
removed from further consideration and will not be brought before the
Commission. Please note a denial is without prejudice. This means if you revise
the project or address the Boards concerns you can reapply during a later cycle.
- Table – In certain cases when the board is not able to make a decision the
action may be tabled. This typically occurs when there are unanswered questions,
unresolved issues, or lack of sufficient funding for a project that might
otherwise be funded. Applicants have two cycles to resolve the issues and bring
the proposal back to the board, or the application will be administratively
- Fish and Wildlife Commission Review. Approximately 45-60
days following the R&E Board meeting, R&E staff will present the
recommended projects before the Commission for final approval. Projects are only
funded if they are both recommended by the R&E Board and approved by the
Commission. Commission meetings are public meetings where applicants or other
members of the public may make brief statements regarding a project or board
recommendation. Written comments may also be sent or delivered to the
Commission. Typically, the Commission follows R&E Board recommendations and
applicants do not make presentations. However, applicants are welcome to attend
and be available to answer questions.
- Applicants notified of Commission’s decision. Successful
applicants will be sent a grant agreement within about two weeks after the
Commission meeting.
- Applicants read and sign agreement. The agreement and
enclosed information should be carefully read in order for the grantee (i.e.,
successful applicant) to understand the grant requirements, especially since
some projects may be funded in part rather than as originally proposed. The
agreement will include terms and conditions of project approval and funding
commitments. The applicant is responsible for obtaining all local, state, or
federal permits required for the project before grant funds will be awarded.
- Spend money. Once the agreement has been signed by the
applicant and returned to R&E program staff you may begin to accrue charges
toward the grant.
- R&E Funds and grants are managed on the state biennium. This means that
funding runs from July 1 of an odd year until June 30 of the next odd year. All
expenses, receipts, funds requests, and completion records must occur and be in
hand of the R&E program prior to June 30th.
- R&E is a reimbursement based grant program and does not provide up front
funding. When you are ready to claim partial of complete reimbursement please
submit the provided request for funds form. Please note that payment processing
may take up to 45 days once a request is received.
- We recognize that not all entities may have the capital to cover the initial
outlay; while our options are limited we may be able to accommodate your
situation. If this is an issue please discuss the options with R&E staff
prior to undertaking the project.
- 10% of project funds are held back until project completion reporting has
been completed.
- Project Completion Reporting. It is very important to
submit the project completion report as soon after you are done spending R&E
funds as possible. You do not need to wait until the larger project, of which
R&E is a component, is completed before you submit the report. The Board
does appreciate the larger reports even if submitted at a later date. The
project completion report is used to determine when you are done spending
R&E funds and close out the grant. Any unspent funds are made available to
fund subsequent project requests.
Any of the Department's District Fish Biologists or STEP
Biologists can provide assistance to project applicants.
Any questions regarding the R&E program or requests can be directed to
R&E staff:
R&E Program Coordinator |
R&E Program Assistant |
ODFW, Fish Division |
ODFW, Fish Division |
4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE |
4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE |
Salem, OR 97302 |
Salem, OR 97302 |
P: (503) 947-6232 |
P: (503) 947-6211 |
F: (503) 947-6202 |
F: (503) 947-6202 |