Click to download the John Day Timing Data zip file.
The following Timing Units are contained in this District:
Birch Cr Butter Cr Columbia R - John Day upstream Couse Cr John Day R above and incl. Canyon Cr John Day R below Canyon Cr McKay Cr above reservoir McKay Cr below reservoir Meacham Cr Middle Fk John Day R above US395 Middle Fk John Day R below US395 Mill Cr N Fk John Day R above Camas Cr N Fk John Day R below Camas Cr Pine Cr Rock Cr S Fk John Day R above Izee Falls S Fk John Day R below Izee Falls Umatilla R - McKay Cr to Meacham Cr Umatilla R above Meacham Cr Umatilla R mouth to McKay Cr Walla Walla R above Harris Park Walla Walla R below Harris Park Wildhorse Cr Willow Cr
The following Timing Unit currently has no associated data:
Columbia R - John Day upstream |